The lady with the dog

 The lady with the dog

    To me this story was rather boring as we are living in the 21st century. But to speak for the people who might have first read the kind of a story might have been felling weird, because it is something out of our common sense, like we don’t usually fall in love with person who is married, But at the same time, they would be so curious of how the story will progress. Me too, felt the same when I watched these types of Dramas. Also, the format, divided in many sections were interesting. 
    I focused on how the relation will lead on. First, the protagonist have stereotypes  toward woman. To me the relationship will tear down soon, and they will return to their life as it used to be. According to Martin Heidegger langeweile is a feeling we feel when we lose something. Thing we usually dont take a big care will change if you lose that, arousing the sense of emptyness. langeweile will be felt to the too people as they leave their family. Everything they felt normal will turn something new and odd, which will bring them back to their normal life.

195 words


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Araby - 1914